The Everything Else Podcast is back!
And it feels so good to be back!
Did you guys miss us?
We are very excited and we’ve got quite a few changes for this new season!
We changed our frequency: we’re going to be dropping one episode a month. We are not going to be doing bonus tracks anymore; just one jam packed episode with all the usual rambling, questions and hacks.
We also changed our tagline: and thanks to the wonderful support from you guys, our listener, and the fact that you share and recommend this podcast, we were also able to bring on a team of sound guys from UY cast. We are excited about this, moving up in the world ey!
We also changed our name from soft skills, to core skills: after all the hard work we did last year, and the hard work that you guys did, thinking, questioning, changing, we decided that we didn’t want to talk about SOFT skills anymore. Soft has a mushy, unimportant connotation and we all know there’s nothing unimportant about them.
So we’re calling them core skills, because they are core to our lives.
So today our dear listeners, as you go about doing whatever you’re doing while you listen to us rambling, join us as we talk about something not so mundane…
because this is the one about Purpose.
🎙Listen to the episode on: Spotify, Soundcloud, Apple podcast or Google podcast.
🔍Read about the episode and you can access the transcript.
📱Join our community. We are The everything else Podcast on Instagram and Twitter.
🙋♀️ Find out more about show’s co-hosts Vera & Mercedes here and connect with them in LinkedIn.
Thanks Abstracta and Inc English Services for your support and UyCast for producing us 👏. Bye!